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Items to give and to share - Acts 20:35
Items Available
Here you will find a list of items available and any information provided by seller. Please contact seller directly with questions or concerns.
If you have an item that you would like to be included please use the form to offer information needed. Should you have an image to be included, email
Couch & Loveseat
Patty has a leather couch and loveseat that she is giving away. It is worn and the seating is a bit low on the couch. She would love to give it to someone who can use it. Please speak with Patty soon if you are interested.
Patty Johnson
(208) 840-0023
2 Table Lamps
2 Beautiful Oak Lamps with cut glass bases.
Take the pair for any donation to the youth fund.
Speak with Eldon for more details
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